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IUFRO. Landscape Ecology Conference 2017

24 - 29 September 2017, Halle Germany

The ongoing development of Earth Observation remote sensing systems has resulted in an extensive offer of complementary data that can be used to improve our understanding of Ecosystem functioning and can contribute to ecosystem accounting. Hence, remote sensing technologies are playing a key role at several levels in the Blue-Green Nexus. To illustrate the diversity of data available from space we can mention among others the Copernicus Earth observation program headed by the European commission in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Landsat 8 mission. In addition, different instruments like LIDAR technology that enables an accurate measurement of ground elevation and of the 3D structure of landscape and vegetation is increasingly used in many ecological studies. In addition, the diversity of current UAV solutions, can contribute to tackle complex issues raised by upscaling models from local to wider scales. Using a mixture of remote sensing and field methods requires ecologists and remote sensing experts to collaborate closely with the newest capabilities and modeling approaches. The session highlights examples in different regions of new capabilities on coupling remote sensing, different instruments, field observation and models in answer to operational solutions towards a better understanding of natural systems and development of ecosystem accounting

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