Dynafor effectue ses recherches sur différents sites d’étude en fonction des besoins des projets et des partenariats. Parmi les nombreux sites en France, deux sont privilégiés : les Pyrénées et les Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne. Dynafor intervient également à l’échelle européenne et internationale sur différents continents.
Dynafor effectue ses recherches sur différents sites d’étude en fonction des besoins des projets et des partenariats. Parmi les nombreux sites en France, deux sont privilégiés : les Pyrénées et les Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne. Dynafor intervient également à l’échelle européenne et internationale sur différents continents.

Abonnement Newsletter

Marie Parrens
Licence de Physiques
Master de Géophysique
Doctorat en télédétection des surfaces continentales (CNRM-CNRS)
Expériences professionnelles
2016-2017 : PostDoc CNES sur l’hydrologie des zones tropicales
2014-2015 : PostDoc au CESBIO sur l’estimation d’eau libre à l’aide d’un capteur micro-onde (SMOS)
2013-2014 : PostDoc à l’INRA sur la simplification d’un modèle de transfert radiatif
Disciplines enseignées
Axes de Recherches
Télédétection des milieux naturels et agricoles :
Cycle de l’eau
Milieu forestier
Quelques publications :
Guilhen, J., Al Bitar, A., Sauvage, S., Parrens, M., Martinez, J.-M., Abril, G., Moreira-Turcq, P., and Sánchez-Pérez, J.-M.: Denitrification and associated nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide emissions from the Amazonian wetlands, Biogeosciences, 17, 4297–4311, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-4297-2020, 2020.
A. S. Fleischmann, R. C. D. Paiva, W. Collischonn, V. A. Siqueira, A. Paris, D. M. Moreira, F. Papa, A. A. Bitar, M. Parrens, F. Aires, P. A. Garambois (2020).Trade‐offs between 1D and 2D regional river hydrodynamic models. Water Resources Research, e2019WR026812.
Parrens, M., Al Bitar, A., Frappart, F., Paiva, R., Wongchuig, S., Papa, F., Yamasaki, D., & Kerr, Y. (2019). High resolution mapping of inundation area in the Amazon basin from a combination of L-band passive microwave, optical and radar datasets. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 81, 58-71.
Szigarski, C., Jagdhuber, T., Baur, M., Thiel, C., Parrens, M., Wigneron, J. P., Piles, M. & Entekhabi, D. (2018). Analysis of the Radar Vegetation Index and Potential Improvements. Remote Sensing, 10(11), 1776.
M. Parrens, A. Al Bitar, F. Frappart, F. Papa, J.-P. Wigneron, Y.H. Kerr Mapping dynamic water fraction under the tropical rain forests of the Amazonian basin from L-band brightness temperature, Water, 9(5), 350, 2017
Al Bitar, A. Mialon, Y.H. Kerr, F. Cabot, P. Richaume, E. Jacquette, A. Quesney, A. Mahmoodi, S. Tarrot, M. Parrens,A. Al-Yaari, T. Pellarin, J.P. Wigneron, The global SMOS Level 3 daily soil moisture and brightness temperature, Earth System Science Data, 9(1), 293-315, 2017
Fernandez-Moran, R., Wigneron, J.-P., De Lannoy, G., Lopez-Baeza, E., M. Parrens, Mialon, A., Mahmoodi, A, Bircher, S., Al Bitar, A. , Al-Yaari, A., Richaume, P, Kerr, Y., A new calibration of the effective scattering albedo and soil roughness parameters in the SMOS SM retrieval algorithm, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 62, 27-38, 2017
J.-P. Wigneron, T. J. Jackson, P. O’Neill, G. De Lannoy, P. de Rosnay, J. P. Walker, P. Ferrazzoli, V Mironov, S. Bircher, J. P. Grant, M. Kurum, M. Schwank, J. Munoz-Sabater, A. Royer, A. Al-Yaari, A. Al Bitar, R. Fernandez-Moran, H. Lawrence, A. Mialon, M. Parrens, P. Richaume, S. Delwart, Y. Kerr, Modelling the passive microwave signature from land surfaces a review of recent results and application to the L-band SMOS & SMAP soil moisture retrieval algorithms, Remote Sensing of Environment, 192, 238-262, 2017
M. Parrens, A. Al Bitar, R. Fernandez Moran, P. Ferrazzoli, J.-P Wigneron, Estimation of the L-band Effective Scattering Albedo of Tropical Forests using SMOS observations IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2017
Parrens, M., Wigneron, J. P., Richaume, P., Al Bitar, A., Mialon, A., Fernandez- Moran, R, Kerr, Y. Considering combined or separated roughness and vegetation effects in soil moisture retrievals. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 55, 73-86, 2017
Y.H. Kerr, A. Al-Yaari, N. Rodriguez-Fernandez, M. Parrens, B. Molero, D. Leroux, S. Bircher,A. Mahmoodi, A. Mialon, P. Richaume, S. Delwart, A. AlBitar, T. Pellarin, R. Bindlish, T. J. Jackson, C. Rudiger, P. Waldteufel, S. Mecklenburg, J.-P.Wigneron Overview of SMOS Performance in Terms of Global Soil Moisture Monitoring After Six Years in Operation, Remote Sensing of Environment, 180, 40-63, 2016
M. Parrens, J.-P. Wigneron, P. Richaume, A. Mialon, A. Al Bitar, R.Fernandez-Moran, A. Al-Yaari, Y. H. Kerr. Global-scale surface roughness effects at L-band as estimated from SMOS observations, Remote Sensing of Environment, 181, 122-136, 2016
Wang, J.-P. Wigneron, L.-M. Jiang, M. Parrens, X.-Y. Yu, A. Al-Yaari, Q.-Y. Ye, R. Fernandez-Moran, W. Ji, Y. Kerr, Global-Scale Evaluation of Roughness Effects on C-Band AMSR-E Observations. Remote Sensing, 7(5), 5734-5757
Fernandez-Moran, J.-P. Wigneron, E. Lopez-Baeza, A. Al-Yaari, A. Coll-Pajaron, A. Mialon; M. Miernecki, M. Parrens, P. Salgado-Hernanz; M. Schwank, S. Wang, Y. Kerr, Roughness and vegetation parameterizations at L-band for soil moisture retrievals over a vineyard field.
M. Parrens, J.-F. Mahfouf, A. Barbu and J.-C. Calvet, Assimilation of surface soil moisture into a multilayer soil model: design and evaluation at local scale, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 673-689, 2014
M. Parrens, J.-C. Calvet, Y. Kerr, P. de Rosnay and B. Decharme, Benchmarking of L-band soil microwave emission models, Remote Sensing of Environment, 140, 407–419, 2014
M. Parrens, E. Zakharova, S. Lafont, J.-C., Calvet, Y. Kerr, W. Wagner and J.-P. Wigneron, Comparing soil moisture retrievals from SMOS and ASCAT over France, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 423-440, 2012